Launch of Linear Curriculum Development

The second phase (Step 2) of the seven-phase adaptation process of the Seven Smart Steps project was launched in September. We started with a workshop on the specific topic of the linear curriculum scenario and its methodological and technical preparation.

The preparation of the linear curriculum consists of two phases:

  • in the first, we create a linear content, analogue scenario,
  • the second is to digitise it.

The aim was to provide teachers with the basics of digital content development methodology, technical and professional skills for linear curriculum development, and a confident development approach and digital skills to provide a solid background for the subsequent, progressively more complex workflow.

The workshop was complemented by thematic workshops, with the different subject groups discussing the topics discussed earlier (development guidelines, matching teaching objectives to game engines, the principle of progressively more challenging tasks, varied use of tools, etc.) in separate subject meetings led by the coordinators. We harmonised the quantitative requirements to ensure an equal workload for all participants. The subject-specific adaptation of the linear learning method and the finalisation of the professional methodology were reported by the coordinators.

By the end of Step 2 of the Seven Smart Steps, all teachers will have developed their own individual linear curriculum. The next phase of this “stage” (digitisation) will take place in October.