Adapting digitally supported differentiated learning methods to improve

problem solving and comprehension competences

The InterRegio Forum Association and its partners have developed an innovative methodology for digital support for differentiated education in the framework of the Smart e-Maths project. A digital support environment and a sample curriculum have been created that students can explore along individual learning paths.

We want to promote the adaptation of the results of the project on a large scale, so we initiated the launch of a new adaptation project.

The title of the adaptation project is 7SMART Steps.

Project Number: 2020-1-HU01-KA226-SCH-094124

Period: March 2021-August 2022

Participating countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

The language of implementation of the project is Hungarian.

The project is implemented under and supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.

7 Smart Steps

Understanding the basic functionalities of the SMART e-Maths digital education support system
Preparing a scenario for a linear curriculum
Digitisation of linear learning material
Developing differentiated, level-hopping learning material with textual explanations
Creating differentiated learning material with audio-visual explanations
Finalisation and testing of a differentiated curriculum package
Training SMART mentors to support the adaptation process



The Interregio Forum Association is an NGO based in Budapest in 1997 with sites in Szeged and Nyíregyháza, which since its foundation has been striving to disseminate and develop innovative ICT-based good practices in the Carpathian Basin and the Danube region.

The local administrative organization of Harghita County is responsible, inter alia:

– Tasks related to county-level infrastructure and public procurement, preservation of cultural heritage and historical monuments, urbanism and construction assistance

– Development and implementation of county-level programmes in a wide range of areas of interest, e.g. culture, youth, schools, civil society.

Founded in 1996, the RegioNet Foundation Regional Development Centre, based in Lazarea, aims to promote social development services, education, environment, sport, humanitarian, economic, cultural, scientific research/innovation, tourism and art.

Its working community participates in and develops innovative development and education projects. The organisation is well integrated into local society, its members have good relations with local educational institutions training centres.

The New Chance Association was founded in 2002. Since its founding, the association has implemented a number of projects and EU-funded programmes in the social field.

assistance, facilitating the return of the unemployed to the labour market and organising various cultural activities for those living in and around Siklós.

The target group of our activities covers people living in extreme poverty and their families. Their daycare programs focus on supporting primary schoolchildren and their families.

INNONET n.o. NGO established in June 2019 in Kolárovo, Slovakia. The aim of the organisation is to examine the social changes and issues of the southern Slovakian region;

Collecting best practices and disseminating analysed results, as well as identifying and addressing social problems. The organization acts as a think tank for talented young people.


For students