Project closed

The Seven Smart Steps Erasmus+ project has been successfully implemented, and the closing conference was held on 25 July 2022 at the County Hall in Cluj County Hall, where the participants presented the results and future plans to the press.

The central theme of the meeting was the summary of the results achieved, which were presented to a professional audience. The full adaptation process, the curriculum development, the pilot teaching and the content produced were presented by the teachers involved in the content development themselves.

The Seven Smart Steps project aims at a wider adaptation of a digital solution for differentiated teaching in upper primary schools, developed in a previous project. We also wanted to support the development of teachers’ digital competences through the dissemination of the digital teaching methodology and the Tanlet teaching tool to a wider professional community. During the adaptation process, teachers created new educational content and were provided with appropriate technical-methodological training. At the end of the process, they became SMART mentors themselves, who presented the application and their experiences to the local professional community.

The joint work was successful in producing a high quality digital curriculum content and in enabling participants to use digital learning interfaces independently and confidently, a skill structure that can be used in education in the long term.

The development and improvement of the Tanlet digital application and e-learning methodology will continue in the future, enriched by the experience gained so far.