PLA – Peer Learning Activity

PLA as an atypical teaching-learning method

PLA literally means peer learning, learning from each other, essentially a group cooperative form of learning. Why we have chosen this method project results, is that lifelong learning is currently the
as one of the pillars of lifelong learning.

Why PLA?

In our case, using a broader understanding of PLA, the development of a specific topic, the sharing experiences and knowledge with other actors in the field of education. In the narrower sense
The advantages of a narrower interpretation are also validated in the context of PLA workshops, such as peer learning by environment, the principle of learning by being taught, which means that the
community/group member, as a subject matter expert, transfers his/her knowledge and experience to his/her peers, at the same time, everyone plays the role of both teacher and learner.

Invited to the woskhop are mainly leaders of local institutions, teachers and other educational actors. They can effectively transfer the knowledge gained at the event to their own educational community, thus contributing to the widespread dissemination of the digital teaching tool and the
the widespread dissemination of the digital literacy tool and its adoption in everyday teaching routines.